Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Description of the Picture 5

Description of the Picture 5

       I can never forget my last winter vacation. I took this picture when I was playing with my cousins, Mary and John, and my dog on a hill behind my house last winter. On the left of the picture, my cousins were riding on a snow sled. John, who is wearing a black woolen hat, a red and white striped muffler, a black jacket and blue pants behind Mary, looks very happy because he really like winter and snow. However, Mary, who is wearing a striped woolen hat, a blue and white striped scarf,  a red sweater and an ivory skirt in front of John, doesn't look happy because this was her first time riding on a sled. On the right of the bottom in the picture, my brown dog, a 2-year-old golden retriever, is following my cousins, but he couldn't move freely because the snow covered hill was very slippery. This picture is very valuable for me because I can vividly remember last winter when I look at it.


  1. Good job!!! Now it is even more fun to read your description :-).

  2. You did a great job with your descriptions, especially of the clothing!

  3. you really do a good job I like your topic sentences and your small details.

  4. Great job JT!! I really loved your descriptive paragraph.. keep going..

  5. wonderful description JT. I like reading what you wrote.

  6. This is really gooooood discription JT!
    I enjoy your paragraph.

  7. I really entoy to read your story!
    You made nice story and specipic details.

  8. "I can never forget my last winter vacation"

    nice topic sentence

  9. I couldn't put the picture, how did you do it?

    Good job!

  10. Me neither...I couldn't put a picture. :(

    Nice imagination!!

  11. great work.. your description about clothing is unique and nice ...

  12. you are talent hope you continue
